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S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote :I don't think he was being so serious, so don't start the name-calling. It is idiotic.

Yeah it's a known fact around here that you can bash Americans all you want. I'm getting sick of it. I've never once bashed anybody here until today. I've never once bashed another country here either. So get of my ass.

Quote :Drugs much? How many of your guys take drugs to do more mileage? Endurance is nothing to brag about if you're doing it through drugs and endangering other road users

It's a known fact that livestock haulers around here are doing something. I won't deny that. It's not safe, it's stupid. My guys don't haul livestock. They do work on average 15-16 hours a day, 15 is legal. They don't take drugs. They are drug tested randomly every 2 months.
Quote :I think the point was that European engines are generally more efficient and economical than American engines (this is true in everything though, not just trucks).

I think you misread it then. I know they are probably more efficient. I also know they don't make the power we do. Which is what I said after he said we don't have the same power. Read it again.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote :thats coz europians are hard workers,and the lazy americans can sleep at every 100 miles^^

You're an idiot. American truckers are among the hardest working truckers around. Averaging 600 - 700 miles a day. The old school guys ignore the rules and run even harder. 800 miles and 16 - 18 hour days are not uncommon over here. Some of my livestock hauling buddies regularly run 2 or 3 days straight.
Quote :The design is called Peter Built I think.

Peterbilt is a brand of truck made by Paccar. Paccar also makes Kenworth trucks and Pierce bodied fire trucks.
Quote :I'd say its 'cause those yanks like big engines and there aint no where else to stick it except out the front

On the average we run 14 and 15 liter engines over here. Those same engines used to also fit in cabovers, which used to be popular over here when we still had length limits. So engine size is not an issue. FWIW we do have 600+hp engines in some of these trucks lurking about.
Quote :That style of truck does not really have a name.

Yes they do. Trucks with hoods are called Conventional tractors.
Quote :Yeah, but of course the funny thing is most of the merican trucks suck in the power department. And top line Europeans engines have incredible amount of power and torque.

Europeans try not to waste much length, so they can have more cargo. Fuel is expensive so you want to use every meter you are allowed to have on the road.

Sorry, but I'm sure we are making more HP and Torque on average with our engines then you are. There aren't many trucks running around out there right now with any less then 500HP and 2200ft/lb of torque. Many of the guys that own their trucks are getting over 700HP and 2500ft/lbs.

We also get pretty good fuel mileage considering. My trucks are running upwards of 700HP and we are getting 7mpg pulling heavy loads.

According to a German friend of mine that was born and raised there and drove those Scanias and such, he says those trucks are nice and safe, but they don't compare in the ride and power department. He does say that those EU trucks are way more technologically advanced then ours are. He now drives over here.

What it comes down to is this:

The further the front axle is from the cab, the better the ride. The longer the wheelbase, the better the ride. The U.S. did at one time have a large number of cabovers. The reason for this was that 53 foot trailers were the norm. You couldn't meet the length requirement with a 53 foot trailer and a conventional truck. Therefore cabovers were popular. The USDOT decided to give us another 12 or so feet on our limit which made cabovers extinct. The conventional trucks get better mileage, ride better, and have more room. If any of you had to spend 3 or 4 weeks at a time living in one of these things then you would come to apreciate these "willy-waving" trucks rather quickly.

I've been in the trucking business for 14 years. I've owned a trucking company for the last 6 years. So i know a little about it anyway.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :whats the server called?

S3 Racing Tier 1
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :It says "snuff" on that tin. Snuff is the tobacco you snuff into your nose. Snus is the stuff you stick under your lip.

You are right but in this case the name is misleading. Copenhagen isn't actually made for sniffing. It's just regular chewing tobacco. Not sure why they call it snuff. Besides the Long Cut is better anyway.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :What else would he mean?

Actually I was thinking of this as it is quite popular in my neck of the woods.

S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Mmmm Copenhagen..........................oh wait, you meant the city.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :She did have nice boobs but she was also probably on crack.

Ever seen a crackhead run? They can probably go forever.....or at least until the crack high wears off.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Isn't this copyright infringement? Well I guess you can claim otherwise since you spelled energy wrong.

Good luck though.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Please kick this person in the nuts as hard as you can. So he can never reproduce people as stupid as himself.

This guy obviously has no clue what so ever about computers so I wouldn't worry about it. I say give him your IP. You wouldn't want him going to where you bought it and asking them.......ROFLMFAO!

No really here is my real IP. Go ahead and give this to him and tell him to have a ball lol.

hahahahaha i just can't stop laughing
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
This thread is going to go downhill fast.

Just sayin..........probably not the best subject to bring up on a mainly European forum.

I'm just happy with the cars we have.
New Member!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today we welcome over-rev's brother to our team, RacerX. Welcome to S3R RacerX.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from jakuthedoku :dont use the word "demoers" i just find that stupid just say demo players?

I'll use what ever word I want too. Who the f*** are you to tell me what to say? You should speak considering you can't even use the quote feature without jacking up my quote. While it's not a proper word, it is used quite frequently in the sales arena. The OP got the gist of my post and thanked me for it. He even bought S2 after this thread. What the hell have you accomplished besides posting in a 2 month old thread?

Further, I was just looking at some of your other posts and not only can you not spell, you have no concept of capitalization or punctuation. So go crawl back under your rock.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
New Member.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today we at S3R welcome over-rev to the team. He hails from California (finally, another west coaster).

Welcome aboard man!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Welcome to the team guys!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
It says on the download page
Quote :If you don't have any bit torrent software you can download Future Pinball via this link

Then it gives this link - ... llSetup_v1.8.20080323.exe

S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from wark :Three more genre leaders: Dick Dale (representing surf), Brian Setzer (representing rockabilly), and John Fogerty (representing swamp rock).


Really impressive when Dick Dale and Gary Hoey get together. Those 2 can tear it up. You have to hand it to Brian Setzer, that guy tears it up considering he's toting that 137 pound Gretsch guitar around. John Fogerty - CCR - enough said about that.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :7.4 litres of Detroit iron is equivalent to about 2 litres of proper engine. If you want to talk about specific power output (not a diesels strong point)
then the diesel looks pretty rubbish, the CanAm Porsche 917/30 produced well in excess of 1000bhp in race trim with a 5.4 litre engine.

If you're going for specific output though the diesel is fairly hopeless at 151 bhp/litre, most big bikes (and bike engined cars) will beat that easily and standard road cars are getting ever closer to it. True high power for capacity comes from petrol engines, the BRM V16 was producing over 300 bhp/litre 50 years ago and the BMW F1 cars produced over 650 bhp/litre.

While what you are saying is true, I was going more for everyday drivable street cars in my post. My point is that diesels are easier and cheaper to get the Hp.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I'm a huge LZ fan so my vote goes to Page.

But you forgot some great ones IMHO:
Eric Clapton
Joe Perry (Aerosmith)
Slash (GnR)
Jeff Beck
Gary Hoey

Just to name a few.

And what about Skynyrd? I mean there's a lot of bands that had great guitar players but Skynyrd's original lineup had 3 great guitar players. Allen Collins, Gary Rossington, and Steve Gaines.

There's just so many "greats" in so many genres that this poll could never cover them all.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I usually agree with most of what you say as you know your stuff Tristan. However, I have to disagree with you here.
Quote from tristancliffe :For a given engine capacity, a petrol engine will produce more power than a diesel engine, and would almost certainly beat a similar car with a diesel (ignoring the additional weight afflictions of a diesel).

Now I can't speak for other countries and their diesel engines so I'll just use what we have here. There are a lot of people getting 500 - 1100hp / 900 - 2200ft/lbs out of 5.9L Cummins engines. That goes for the 6.6L Duramax and the 6.0L Powerstroke available here as well. Your idea of similar cars with like capacities doesn't hold water either. Take this for instance ... evelle_duramax/index.html A 1970 Chevelle with a 6.6L Duramax transplant making over 1000hp and 2000ft/lbs. That same model year car came with a 7.4L petrol only making 450hp. That doesn't mean they are all like that, it was the easiest example I could find.
Quote from tristancliffe :They are also worse for the environment (unless you really think CO2 is the worst thing engines give out), and worse for your health (more carcinogenic).

I was actually reading the other day that with our way-too-strict emissions over here that diesel engines are putting out approximately 10% of the emissions that a petrol engine puts out.

I respect your knowledge on many things and I agree that diesels really are an unfair advantage in racing. But they do deserve a place somewhere. Having owned, repaired, and built from the bottom up high performance engines both petrol and diesel I can honestly say that gaining HP and torque is so much easier with a diesel than it is with a gas engine. That's probably why they are so misunderstood.

EDIT: Sorry for the off topic.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :is that car drivable?

I have no idea. I did a google image search for Dodge Neon and that came up. It looked like the most ridiculous one on the first page so I linked that one. I figure the OP would appreciate the ricyness of it.

Now if the OP wants actual neon brake pads - I would think that neon light tubes scrubbing a metal rotor would have 0 braking power. I believe the gas in the neon tube would actually make the car go faster. NEONNOSmod FTW.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Maybe he meant Dodge Neon brake pads. Maybe he thinks the cars in LFS stop too well.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
First of all that comment was not even aimed at you because I don't need you to agree with me.

Quote from rcpilot :The reason I didn't reply coincides with this. You've blamed other people for perpetuating arguments, yet here we are arguing about something from one month ago.

See there's your problem. I'm not talking about one month ago. I was using it as an example at best. I was talking about the flip flopping that is being done and the grief it is bringing the admins.
Quote from rcpilot : And it's not that you've brought up other ways to explain it, your team has presented multiple completely unrelated arguments just in order to extend this argument and there doesn't seem to be any central point.

There you go again lumping me in with every one else. If you can't see the point I'm trying to make, I don't know what to tell you. The point I was making, in no less that half a dozen ways, was to help the admins not argue with them. I could care less what happened a month ago, its water under the bridge. The problem with this is that now there has been a flip-flop in the middle of a race instead of holding off for future rounds.
Quote from rcpilot :I will admit, this last point is a good one but it's also naive to hold one of several admins to a quick reply he made in the middle of a race dealing with an entirely different type of situation, that wasn't even the right answer to the original question, and isn't covered in the official rules.

I am not holding any admin to any reply that he made in the heat of the moment. I am trying to point out a flaw that needs to be covered in the future to prevent such an argument. The only reason I used those 2 quotes was to point out a discrepancy that needs to be fixed in the future. If you can't see that I am trying to help you guys for the future, then you are the one that is naive.
Quote from rcpilot :And it's also naive to say your team accepted that answer and moved on, the argument continued last month over several more pages.

If you would take a moment to go back and look at that thread you will see that I took no part in that argument. Again, you are turning this into a "us against them" scenario when it isn't.
Quote from rcpilot : 1. You butchered your comprehension of my post and took it personally.

Don't tell me how my comprehension should work. I took it like I took it and that is it. If you wish to be a bit more tactile that is fine but don't blame for how i interpret your post. That is unless you are willing to explain every little detail of your post so that I don't take it the wrong way.
Quote from rcpilot : 2. You dropped it, I dropped it, yet, we're still here? I would've preferred just leaving this alone but I don't like words being put in my mouth.

I would prefer for someone to say "ok". I mean ffs, I've stated throughout this deal that I was offering a suggestion for the future. To which I've been greeted with hostility and condescending attitudes. I don't care what happened last Saturday, I don't care what happened last month. I care about the ability to race in the future with a rule set that's not going to be changed in mid-stride. Did it affect me this time? No. Could it affect me at some point? Yes.

For what its worth I never put any words in your mouth. I made an assumption based on my comprehension of your post. Just like you've made an assumption that I've come here to bash admins and create a ruckus. Never mind the fact that I've stated over and over that I was making a suggestion and not a demand.

Between admins that care less what the common person thinks, helpful or not, and people like you that can't, no matter how plainly I put it, comprehend what I'm trying to do here civilly - I've decided that you nor the admins nor the IGTC deserve any more of my time. Which is probably without a doubt what you want to hear anyway.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Glad you finally talked them into letting you spend your money here. Enjoy S2.